NIAID Lied to Congress When Fauci Wanted to Mutate Monkeypox

What better way to eliminate 90 percent of the global population?
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Anthony Fauci, AKA “Dr. Deep State” ran the department. That means he’s responsible for what it did. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases “deceived” Congress. Not about funding gain of function for COVID. That’s old news. They also were secretly working on “a more transmissible and more lethal” strain of Monkeypox. What’s the health benefit for that? A project that spooky sounds like one DARPA would sponsor.

Fauci may face criminal charges

All the way back in 2015, when Anthony Fauci was in charge of NIAID, they submitted some forms informing Congress that they were working to mutate the monkeypox virus, knowing that there was a risk of pandemic involved. In order to get the gain-of-function money they needed, they lied.

In 2022, while the House Energy and Commerce Committee was digging into COVID experiments using U.S. government grant money in China, they stumbled on the mutant Mpox blueprint and freaked out. That started an investigation and the report just came out.

They concluded that Health and Human Services, NIAID, and the National Institutes of Health were all in on the conspiracy. The health agencies, working together, “repeatedly ‘obstructed and misled the committee’ about whether the risky experiments had been approved and conducted.

According to the report, investigators were stonewalled by Fauci and his cronies at every turn, “describing their cooperation with the probe as ‘unacceptable and potentially criminal.

HHS and the NIH repeatedly told the Committee the… experiments had not been ‘formally proposed‘ or ‘planned,‘ had never been approved or conducted, and were not currently under consideration.” Congress knows now that Fauci was lying. These “repeated assertions were false.

Investigators also pointed out that NIAID didn’t have safety clearance to do this type of risky research. “The primary conclusion drawn at this point in the investigation is that NIAID cannot be trusted to oversee its own research of pathogens responsibly.

Fauci wanted to make it more deadly.

Unacceptable biosafety risk

Fauci didn’t really care about the chance for a lab leak. He trusted his Chinese partners to hold up their end of that deal. If they ended up botching it, which they did with COVID, then at least it would happen over there.

That’s the problem with pandemics. One case anywhere today can be a million everywhere in a month. We learned that lesson quite well with COVID, which is a lot less nasty than the designer genes NAID was sewing up for Mpox.

NIAID, the report declares, “cannot be trusted to determine whether an experiment on a potential pandemic pathogen or enhanced potential pandemic pathogen poses unacceptable biosafety risk or a serious public health threat.” That’s not good. There are two types of Monkey pox.

One “causes a rash and flu-like symptoms and sparked a global outbreak in 2022, infecting tens of thousands of people.” That’s Clade II. Clade I “causes severe illness and has killed up to 11 percent of people in previous outbreaks.” Fauci wanted to make it more deadly. What better way to eliminate 90 percent of the global population, as suggested by those infamous Georgia Guidestones?

In October 2022, Fauci and his friends “wanted to insert genes from the more dangerous Clade I Mpox into Clade II, making a hybrid strain that could have been both more lethal and more contagious.” That, investigators report, is clearly “classified as gain-of-function, which is research that can result in deadlier and more transmissible viruses.” That sort of work was illegal but they did it anyway.

That’s exactly how COVID started. “It was estimated the new Mpox virus would have had a fatality rate of up to 15 percent and a reproductive rate of 2.4, meaning one sick person could infect more than two other people.” Apparently, humans are an endangered species. If this threat was uncovered, what else was Fauci or the Chinese working on that we’re peacefully oblivious to?

About Post Author

Mark Megahan

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