Dem Controlled City Under Military Occupation Threat, National Guard Deployed

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I’ve been to New York City a handful of times in my life, and every single time I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

It would usually be for about three days at a time and I hated every minute. First of all, everyone there has this chip on their shoulder that they’re proud of for some reason.

I mean, taking pride in where you live is one thing; but people from New York City seem to act like they get a medal for being jerks about it.

Everything there is overpriced. Just take a look at the cost of some apartments, people are damn near killing themselves to live there.

Then, we get to the subway system. Sure, New York City has a great subway system in terms of the trains running on time and all that; but it’s everything else that comes with it. The subway stations smell like this mix of human waste, bad cigars, and mildew.

Nobody has ever gone down to a New York City subway system with the intention of taking in the air.

The other thing is that these subway stations are hotbeds for crime. Think about it, New York City and the subway system in general in the city deal with a hell of a lot of people passing through on a daily basis.

It’s more people than you can imagine. It also means that there is a significant amount of crime in and around subway stations in this Democrat-run city.

I’m not exactly an expert but I would be willing to bet that per capita there are more crimes that take place in subway stations than in any other part of that hellhole.

This is why the governor of New York has finally relented and allowed the deployment of approximately one thousand National Guard troops to patrol subway stations in New York and to assist in the arrest of anyone engaging in a criminal act.

I have to say, it’s a pretty sad state of affairs that something like this even has to happen. I know that people of all ages and walks of life take the subway in New York.

Not everyone who lives there is a criminal. Some are just honest folks trying to get from one day to the next.

The fact that they have to live under the threat of military occupation just so they don’t have to worry about getting assaulted while trying to get home from work is absolutely sickening.

About Post Author

Fred Wilson

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