Biden Misdirection is Going NOWHERE

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The handlers of Joe Biden found a way to appease the frantic Democrat masses. They make it look to progressives as if Joe’s giving Donald Trump the shaft on his way out the door. It’s funny to watch the antics of publicly educated liberals. They don’t realize Joe will only be putting into effect something Trump already approved.

Biden to ban drilling

Democrat voters don’t understand why Joe Biden can’t simply wave his magic pen to prevent Donald Trump from deporting all their friends and relatives. They went to public school, so they don’t realize anything Joe signs now can be reversed by Trump on January 20.

Anxious to show panic stricken progressives that Joe’s not completely useless, they hatched a public relations misdirection caper.

Biden, his handlers revealed on Friday, is about to “permanently ban future offshore oil and gas development.” That, they insist, “could be especially difficult for the incoming Trump administration to undo.” They make a big deal out of explaining the part where it’s based on “the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.

That negotiated agreement “gives presidents broad authority to withdraw federal waters from future oil and gas leasing and development.” A loophole “does not give presidents explicit authority to revoke the action.” That takes an act of Congress. Democrats are thrilled.

Republicans who hear CNN’s version of the news instantly get upset. That’s because the network is going out of their way to be salacious with it.

It’s the partisan political equivalent of announcingthere’s dihydrogen monoxide in the water supply,” and doing it in a breathlessly excited tone of voice. Of course there’s water in the water supply. Trump already suggested that there are some locations too dangerous to exploit for energy production. Joe Biden will be banning those spots.

Biden found a way to appease the frantic Democrat masses.

Not all of it

As CNN subtly acknowledges without calling much attention to, the ban only affects “offshore oil and gas development in parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.” Ones we shouldn’t be developing anyway because a disaster would be too catastrophic.

Biden is simply throwing a bone to “environmental and climate groups” who “advocated for him to withdraw areas off the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, as well as other parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

The move, no matter which president signed it first, will “guard against future oil spills.” Democrats like to add that Joe Biden will be preventing “more planet-warming pollution from fossil fuels.” If they had their way, they’d confiscate your gas stove and H2O heater.

Without actually knowing which sites will be roped off in the future, Oceana campaign director Joseph Gordon was optimistic. “We hope it will be part of a very vast area.

Buried at the bottom of their story, CNN admits that “despite a friendly posture towards the oil and gas industry, Trump also moved to ban offshore drilling while president.” He’s as nervous as Biden about a bad spill.

That’s why in 2020, he “extended a ban on future oil drilling in the Eastern Gulf and expanded it to include the Atlantic coasts of three states: Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.” Environmental activist lawyer Drew Caputo aslo acknowledges that “every president this century has recognized that some areas of the ocean are just too risky or too sensitive to drill.” Not just Joe Biden.

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Mark Megahan

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