CNN Anchor Confesses to…

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The media really was covering up for Joe Biden, one former CNN anchor admits. Now that Donald Trump is on the job and CNN’s ratings have totally tanked, Chris Cillizza decided to come clean and get it off his conscience. I “apologize,” he confessed on Thursday. He should have “pushed harder” on covering Joe’s “mental decline.” Nobody is buying his last minute contrition. Especially not Meghan McCain.

Biden had bad days

Joe Biden had some really “bad days” while occupying the Oval Office, Chris Cillizza admits. He helped cover them up and now he’s confessing to it. The former reporter for Washington Post “later joined CNN as editor-at-large.” He eventually left the sinking ship of a network in 2022.

On Thursday, December 19, Cillizza decided to come out of the closet by posting a YouTube video. In it, he acknowledged “that he failed to adequately cover signs of Biden’s slippage even though Republicans prodded him to do so.

His belated mia culpa isn’t going over well with Meghan McCain. She’ll never forget the way he treated her father. She responded by posting “there was no bigger and more obsessive ‘McCain truther‘ regarding my dad’s age when he ran in 2008 [when he was 71 mind you) than Chris.

The way she sees it, he “ignored Biden because he’s a hack.” Now, he’s scrounging for work and trying to suck up to the right.

Cillizza hasn’t been able to sleep at night because his past journalistic sins are haunting him. “As a reporter, I have a confession to make,” he begins. Tell a priest, conservatives snicker. They knew he was lying all along.

I should have pushed harder earlier for more information about Joe Biden’s mental and physical well-being and any signs of decline.” When Biden fell off his bicycle at the beach should have been a huge clue.

Chris Cillizza decided to come clean to clear his conscience.

Denied the obvious

Conservatives relentlessly hammered the progressive pundit over his obvious cranial-anal insertion syndrome. Republicans, he admits now, would “regularly ping me” at his CNN desk, quizzing him “as to why he didn’t address obvious signs of the 82-year-old president’s deterioration.

He was high on the White House Kool-Aid at the time, he weasels. He saw only what he wanted to see and would “brush them off.” Biden was the victim of age discrimination, he agreed. That’s the part which really got Meghan McCain steamed up.

Cillizza believed what the White House Press Corps was saying. That the examples flouted by deplorable Republicans weren’t actual “evidence” that Biden was unfit for office.

Despite “numerous verbal gaffes, physical stumbles and instance during which the president appeared to have lost his train of thought while speaking in public.

Part of the motivation for Cillizza’s contrition is “A bombshell report by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.” It detailed “how Biden’s aides carefully stage-managed his presidency in order to conceal the extent of his age-related decline.” It’s all their fault, Cillizza whines. “The White House and the people around Joe Biden were absolutely adamant that suggesting anything- asking the question about whether he was in some physical, mental or both decline, was offensive.

He buckled under pressure and wrote what he was told to write. “It’s clear that the people close to him knew that at best, he had some good days and some bad days. June 27, the debate clearly was a bad day.” That Biden performance was the final straw for him. It’s also when the entire illusion was shattered once and for all.

About Post Author

Mark Megahan

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