Is Ron DeSantis rising or is Donald Trump falling?
There was a time when Donald Trump was crushing everyone as the favorite among possible 2024 presidential candidates for the GOP.
Now, DeSantis is not only pulling closer but winning some of them.
We Want Ron
The latest victory for DeSantis was during the Western Conservative Summit by the Centennial Institute.
In this particular straw poll, attendees could vote for more than one person, which is why the percentages are so high and close.
DeSantis led the poll with a 71 percent approval, with Trump coming in second at 67 percent.
This is now the second time in a row that DeSantis has beaten Trump at this particular summit.
While DeSantis has not even hinted that he will be running in 2024, he is clearly the favorite, along with Trump, to get the nod in the party.
If Trump runs, I would suspect that DeSantis would sit on the sidelines and wait for 2028.
He is quite comfortable being the Governor of Florida, so it is not even a gimme that he would join the Trump ticket if asked to run along with Trump.
Strategically, it may be best for DeSantis just to sit out and work up momentum after leaving office regardless of who wins.
I would imagine that a DeSantis/Scott or DeSantis/Noem ticket would be unstoppable in 2028.