Speaker Johnson Makes His Move… Dems OUTRAGED

Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson is fighting hard to keep his power gavel.
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Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) did something that has the Democrat caucus in the House pitching a fit right now.

With the new congressional session beginning, the rules of the 118th Congress are no longer in effect.

Johnson is installing a new rule to make it more difficult for a Speaker to be removed, but there is an even bigger twist to it that Democrats are up in arms about.

Not Again

When McCarthy won the Speaker election, he was forced to agree to a rule that a single member could make a motion to have the Speaker removed.

Johnson has changed that rule so that now an individual needs eight supporting co-sponsors to get the motion to the floor.

Now, here is the kicker…

In order for the motion to be floored, the co-sponsors of the bill all have to be from the majority party, which will stop the minority from playing games.

Dems were furious, with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) claiming that the Speaker is now not accountable to the entire chamber.

He stated, “The American people did not vote for whatever the hell this is — and you better believe that Democrats will not let Republicans turn the House of Representatives into a rubber stamp for their extremist policies.”

Well, you know what I say about that… if you don’t like the rules, then win the House and you can change them to whatever you want.

Until then, shut up, and sit down, because the rules that Pelosi set when the Dems had the majority were a complete and utter joke.

And I am sure when the Dems eventually take back the House, the GOP will be whining about the rules they set.

In all honesty, with the chaos in the House over the last two years, it is a wonder that Democrats were not able to take the House back, and it should be a wake-up call to every one of them to get their acts together, or they will defy history by losing the House again in 2026.

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Anthony Smith

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