Trump Just Nuked It

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Decades of Democrat “climate extremism” were recently nuked out of existence by a single stroke of Donald Trump’s presidential pen. Global warming anxiety “has exploded inflation and overburdened businesses with regulation.” We don’t need government intervention to cope with the weather.

Change in political climate

The biggest effect of Donald Trump’s controversial executive order is the change in Washington’s political climate.

On Monday, January 20, the freshly re-inaugurated president “jolted America out of decades of bad energy policy with the stroke of his pen.

Climate extremism,” President Trump declared, “has exploded inflation and overburdened businesses with regulation.

He put a stop to the nonsense with a directive “to commence the policies that will make our nation united, fair, safe, and prosperous again.

Democrats believe the horror stories they’ve been told. They’re convinced that driving a car with an internal combustion engine, cooking over a gas stove or raising cattle will bring sea levels rising up to WaterWorld catastrophe. Now, they’re expecting that to happen in the next four years.

The United States,” Trump insists, will “restore common sense to the federal government and unleash the potential of the American citizen.” The climate can take care of itself, as it has for millions of years.

He put a stop to the nonsense with a directive.

Energy realism

The “age of climate extremism is over,” Trump relates. “The age of energy realism is upon us.” Democrats snarled things so badly that he officially declared an “energy emergency.” The order means the kiss of death for wind farms.

Those were nothing but a scam to start with, unable to produce enough energy to replace what was expended in building them. Their only purpose was making a few individuals rich through subsidies.

Whether fossil fuels are dirty or not, their necessary. We need them because “the American power grid is weak.” Plant closures forced by Democrat over-regulation mean we’re set to “lose 60 Hoover Dams’ worth of power generation in the coming years.

Make our nation united, fair, safe, and prosperous again.

The climate change schemes were only killing America. “If it weren’t functionally illegal to build natural-gas pipelines or nuclear power plants in this country, New England might experience some relief.

Los Angeles California wouldn’t be going up in flames today if it weren’t for the climate change policies which prevent the buildup of dangerous forest undergrowth. California’s “allergy to forest management stems from the dense thicket of regulations that ensnarl common-sense policies.

Separately, Trump “slashed the Biden EPA’s electric vehicle mandate, a coercive maneuver that sought to bully Americans into swapping their affordable internal-combustion-engine cars for pricey electric ones.” Killing America won’t help the climate problems any.

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Mark Megahan

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