The Purge Begins, and It is Glorious

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Schedule F is back and federal bureaucrats, especially those of the Democrat persuasion, are feeling anxious about their job security. Civil servants rely on “protections” which shield their careers, no matter how terribly they perform their duties.

Return of Schedule F

Employees of the federal government are using the “F” word a lot, over newly reinstated Schedule F. They’re swearing about how they’re about to get effed out of a job for opposing Trump policy directives.

Anyone who’s title shows up on the effing list loses bureaucratic guardrails that keep their paychecks flowing, even when their workload isn’t.

Schedule F, liberal media reports, “makes it easier to fire federal employees considered disloyal to the administration.” This is the beginning of a purge, they suggest.

It’s a step toward accomplishing many of the campaign promises Trump made.” He’s determined to “slash the size of the ‘Deep State‘ federal government.

The way to do that is fire “rogue bureaucrats and career politicians.” Progressive activists estimate that the newly restored schedule “could affect as many as 50,000 federal workers.” The ones registered as Democrat.

With a wave of his magic pen, President Trump reclassified “certain federal workers as political appointees.” Those serve at the president’s “pleasure.

Federal bureaucrats, especially those of the Democrat persuasion, are feeling anxious.

Just do your job

Federal workers who faithfully perform their duties don’t have to worry about a thing, the administration assures. Bureaucrats “don’t have to support the president politically.

The idea behind Schedule F is that “they are required to faithfully implement administration policies to the best of their ability.” Quiet quitting in protest won’t work. “Failure to do so is grounds for dismissal.

Inside the beltway, the return of Schedule F is seen as “a major restructuring of the federal workforce.” Many senior staffers are getting higher dosages of their anxiety meds over it.

Workers who faithfully perform their duties don’t have to worry about a thing.

These changes could alter the career paths of long-time federal workers, some of whom depend on their pensions.

Employment attorney Alan Lescht has been overwhelmed with phone calls. He “recommends that employees begin by evaluating their daily tasks.” The administration, Lescht explains, “will argue you are a policymaker, meaning your job isn’t to follow orders—it’s to give orders.

The way to cover your backside is to “sit down at your laptop and write out what you do on a day-to-day basis and try to figure out what percentage of your time is spent on each task.” If those tasks are related to things like Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion, Schedule F is likely to put you on the unemployment line.

About Post Author

Mark Megahan

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