Another Palestinian explosives expert was caught sneaking across the New Mexico border on Monday. Omar Shehada has been positively identified as a confirmed terrorist with experience in “explosives/firearms.” We only know that because an internal memo leaked to New York Post. We can’t trust our government to admit that they messed up yet again.
Palestinian on watchlist
Eagle eyed Border Patrol agents zoomed in on the 35-year-old Palestinian as he migrated into New Mexico, with five others. On August 12, agents patrolling our side of the border near Santa Teresa spotted the strays and rounded them up.
That’s near where the patrol lassoed three Middle Eastern looking guys wearing ghillie suits back in August of 2022. Nobody ever said a single word about who they were or where they went.
When Omar was arrested, officials put out an internal memo notifying all the other border guards to be on the lookout for more like him.
Following the Three Palestinians listed on the U.S. Terror Watchlist who were Arrested at the United States-Mexico Border in July; on Monday another Palestinian Terrorist was Arrested by Border Patrol while attempting to Illegally Enter the U.S. from Mexico, Omar Shehada has been…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) August 15, 2024
One of the reasons Shehada was off the beaten migration path in New Mexico is because three more Palestinian terrorists were recently caught at the California border. It’s not clear from the memo “which terror organization Shehada is allegedly affiliated with.”
One of those had some interesting photos on their phone. Like one of “a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle” which might have been a selfie. It’s been nearly a year since “Border Patrol sent out a memo to its agents warning about Palestinian terrorists potentially coming across the border.”
That was in the wake of the October 7 terror attack on Israel. Since then, they’ve caught some and missed some. Like the “Tajik 8” who were caught on wiretaps by the feds planning a bomb attack.

Four in a month
Catching “at least four suspected Palestinian terrorists” in a single month has Border Patrol edgy. “Individuals inspired by, or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border.” They reportedly have their own travel agency.
Omar left the West Bank for Madrid, Spain a month ago. He flew to Bogota, Columbia and made his way by land to Panama City and San Salvador. It was easy to blend in with all the caravans heading the same direction.
The Palestinian is under arrest but only in custody “pending his removal” from America. Since there’s little chance they’ll put him on a plane to the West Bank, he’ll probably be stuffed on a bus and dropped off in Nogales.
TX: El Paso Sector Border Patrol Agents apprehend three migrants wearing ghillie suits— This is a common tactic used by smugglers in an effort to blend into the southern New Mexico desert terrain.
📸 via BP
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) August 19, 2022
From there, he can try to get back across the border. Maybe this time without compadres to slow him down and attract attention. He might even be able to get one of those ghillie suits before giving it another try. The Biden regime tried to claim those are common as dirt with migrants but that’s not true. One thing’s for sure, you can bet Omar will be much more careful, next time.
Despite the way Joe Biden’s handlers threw the border gates wide open, hundreds of suspected terrorists were actually apprehended along our southern border since 2021. Nobody talks about how many cross down illegally from Canada because we don’t have anyone actually patrolling that border.
Besides this latest Palestinian, they caught “93 between October 2023 and June 2024.” That’s down from 169 terrorists they detected the prior year.