Hillary Clinton started babbling away on CNN Saturday and let something slip she probably didn’t intend. Either that or she simply doesn’t care about what the little people might think. Daily Mail writes that social media users are accusing her of “saying the quiet part out loud.” If the government doesn’t crack down hard on free speech “we lose total control.” So there you have it. The Deep State is in “total control.” Get used to it.
Hillary lets it slip
Hillary Clinton dropped by the CNN studio on Saturday to spread Progressive propaganda on liberals who tune in to Michael Smerconish. When the subject of social media censorship came up, Clinton was all for it.
She casually endorsed taking “serious action to censor digital content.” If they don’t, she quipped off-hand, “we lose total control.”
While we still have some semblance of free speech, social media users used it. To complain. Loudly. “Democrats see the internet as a propaganda tool rather than a medium for the open exchange of information!!” Tom Callahan doubly exclaimed.
Hillary suggested that when Kamala gets installed, her handlers need to “imitate states like California and New York to place more controls on social media.”
The general topic they were discussing was keeping kids safe on the internet. The best way is not to let them have screen time before eighth grade, then lock down their devices so they can only be used with a parent at their elbow until they turn 18. Hillary prefers the standard progressive nanny-state intervention.
“We need national action and sadly our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children.” In order to protect children, adults have to be censored when talking to other adults.
More federal controls
Americans are too stupid to tell the difference between reality and advertising. Asking them to think critically and analyze someone’s statement of opinion on their own is out of the question.
Hillary and her friends spent decades dumbing kids down, simply so they do what they’re told without asking questions. Americans need to be shielded from opposing viewpoints for their own protection.
The first thing Democrats need to do when they get enough votes in Congress is repeal “Section 230 of the Communications Act.” That way they can threaten platforms with endless litigation. Hillary doesn’t like the current law, which protects “online platforms from being held liable for content posted by users on their platforms.”
It’s not reasonable to ask them to monitor every single post. The user who posts it is the one who should be held responsible but Democrats don’t comprehend the concept of personal responsibility. They need “committees” and “teams” to spread blame around when they screw up.
She calls that a “legal carve out,” despite the fact it’s a duly enacted law which went through the full debate process before being voted into effect. It’s inconvenient to her and her friends so it’s an “overly simple view.” It doesn’t take into account the danger.
There’s danger everywhere. Crossing the street could be fatal, especially with “side show” drag race and doughnut car rallies popping up every time you turn around. Hillary insists on guard rails. Protecting kids goes far beyond “the social and psychological affects.” Questioning the COVID shot kept some kids from having their DNA experimentally altered. To Clinton, that’s simply unacceptable.