Details Slowly Emerge on Violent Gang Apartment Complex Take Over

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The Denver area media is going schizophrenic from trying to report a major gang story. The sanctuary city opened their arms wide to migrants. Venezuela’s violent Tren de Aragua soon took over the neighboring town of Aurora. Officials are downplaying the way the peace-loving migrants simply seized control of an apartment complex from the rightful owner. Instead, the city’s cracking down on code violations.

Gang infested hellhole

The Hell’s Angels officially swear up and down that they aren’t coming to Denver to drive the gang away. Locals say differently. They claim that individuals associated with the Hell’s Angels and others, are coming on their own to do the job police won’t.

Landlord Zev Baumgarten agrees that his building has “become a trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole.” It’s not his fault, he insists. The police have allowed it to happen.

Baumgarten has been coerced into agreeing to “sell, lease, or find some similar disposition” for the Aspen Grove apartment complex. The city insists that recent accusations that the gang “took over” the complex aren’t true and the code violations have been going on for years. That’s disinformation.

The violations may have been ongoing but for years and years the city did nothing. Suddenly, it’s a priority. Instead of chasing away the gangsters, they’re punishing the landlord.

Liberal Democrat policies which resulted in the defunding of police in and around the Denver area are the root cause of the dilemma and all the officials know it. The neighborhood became so dangerous that staff refused to set foot on the property.

The gang may not have moved onto the property and started collecting rents but their presence in the neighborhood is just as effective.

A trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole.

Residents chased away

The property sits shuttered and abandoned. In August, more than 300 residents were forced to find new homes, evicted because of the “code violations and criminal activity.” Baumgarten and his company Nome Partners LLC are on the hook to clean up the mess.

Aspen Grove is one of at least three apartment complexes “where Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has set up shop.” He totally blames them for “the dismal state of Aspen Grove.

Police, one investor notes, “had known about the gang problem at Aspen Grove for nearly a year.” They didn’t do anything. “The situation got so bad that staff abandoned the site, allowing trash to pile up and the building to go to ruin.

Two months before the evictions, “attorneys for the landlords had sent letters begging police and local officials for help.” They spelled it out for those who had a liberal education. Tren de Aragua had “forcibly taken control” of Aspen Grove. The city went on the offensive and deemed the site a “criminal nuisance.” The actual criminals aren’t a nuisance at all, because they’re asylees.

Officials haven’t come up with anything coherent in response to the video going viral. It depicts “a gun-toting crew breaking into a unit” at another complex. They’re left alone by police to intimidate citizens with assault rifles, deal drugs and steal things. Not to mention the regular shootouts.

Baumbarten, on the other hand, is “facing more than 80 charges for building code violations, ranging from vermin infestations to power outages.” He can blame the gang all he wants but the city doesn’t want to hear it.

About Post Author

Mark Megahan

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