Joe Biden is suddenly acting like he’s doing the job of president by sending active duty military troops to North Carolina. His handlers totally botched the response to Hurricane Helene. Alejandro Mayorkas is going schizophrenic trying to beg for more disaster relief money while insisting he has enough money to clean up the mess. He has it, just doesn’t want to spend it because he needs it to process migrants. Since nobody is doing anything, the Pentagon is picking up some slack.
More troops on the way
Another 500 federal active duty military troops are on the way to western North Carolina. Joe Biden was embarrassed by citizens in the town of Bat Cave. They were forced to rescue themselves, since FEMA can’t manage to drive around a “road closed” sign.
On Saturday, October 5, Joe “ordered the Department of Defense” to help Mayorkas do his job.
This latest batch augments 1,000 soldiers deployed to the area last week. These troops, Joe’s handlers explain, “make up only part of the on-the-ground federal response to Helene.” The Governor called in “more than 6,100 National Guard members.”
Right now, there are “more than 7,000 federal personnel aiding in the effort.” As long as they don’t have to drive around any road closed signs. They aren’t authorized for such dangerous work.
“These Guardsmen have been spearheading the response effort across the impacted region in support of their governors and communities, providing critical life-saving and life-sustaining support to the victims of this historic natural disaster,” the Defense Department brags.
The military troops aren’t there to shoot anyone. They’ll mostly be unloading boxes everywhere they go.
FEMA needs help
A statement put out by the White House propaganda team jointly with the DoD notes that the requests for additional troops came from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The latest 500 will be equipped with “advanced technological assets,” Joe’s handlers note.
That way, they can “provide greater situational awareness on the ground and will assist with future resource planning across the region.” Greater awareness than Mayorkas is capable of, that’s for sure.
The first thousand troops “work closely with FEMA and North Carolina officials to provide commodity distribution to local jurisdictions designated by FEMA.” They also “helped clear emergency routes.” Except for the one into Bat Cave.
The locals there told them don’t bother, they don’t want FEMA help because they’re worse than useless. The military also brought some choppers to get into the back country with supplies.
Since Mayorkas is still trying to figure out how to get what he needs without paying for it, the “Army Corps of Engineers has set up three emergency operations centers in North Carolina.” Meanwhile the “emergency power team” has also been “working on the ground to make water and wastewater assessments, to inspect bridges and roads, and to remove debris in North Carolina and Florida.”
The troops “will continue to stay fully engaged with FEMA and the whole-of-government relief efforts related to Hurricane Helene, providing capabilities that best support needs on the ground.” Mayorkas say’s he’ll shelter any migrants they come across. Kamala Harris dropped in on Saturday to announce they’re “sending $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict.“