Donald Trump got a pleasant surprise, for once.
After a somewhat turbulent couple of weeks, Trump discovered that he is actually rising in the polls.
This is the complete opposite of what Democrats were hoping would happen.
Big Surge
Trump has been sliding in polling as of late.
In fact, before this poll, Ron DeSantis had taken the lead in a GOP Florida voters’ poll for the first time.
Today, Trump is looking at some of his best numbers yet.
He has never been over 70 percent of voters wanting him to run, but now he is polling at 71 percent.
He also put some distance between himself and DeSantis, his only real competition, nationally.
Trump picked up four points to 58 percent, while DeSantis slipped back five points, to 16 percent.
Even people that are not exactly fans of Trump see that raid as having gone too far, and the only way to make it stop is to put Trump back in office.
There is still a question if Trump can win a general election, but the numbers are starting to tilt in his favor.