Video: Joe Biden is Super Confused and Can’t Remember Sh*t to Save His Life

Joe Biden
Photo via GOP War Room YouTube Video Screenshot
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Democrats keep telling us that Joe Biden is fine, but he keeps calling lids and when he does appear, he makes gaffe after gaffe.

If we go back to August, Joe Biden was doing an interview with Tom Hanks when he repeatedly forgot when he was inaugurated as the vice president of the United States…

As you can see, Tom Hanks does what everyone in the media has done when Biden makes these mistakes… he just ignored it as though it never happened.

This is far from an isolated incident for Joe Biden.

As a matter of fact, this weekend, he had two more of them.

On Friday, Biden once again got confused.

Rather than call him out for his mistake, the reporter actually picked up the answer for Joe Biden to get him refocused…

Then, on Saturday, during a pre-arranged speech, Joe Biden claimed he had been elected to the Senate about 180 years ago, proving he is REALLY old, can’t read the teleprompter, or will just read whatever anyone puts in there.

Either way, Biden’s campaign called another lid, ending his day just after 9:30 a.m.

Biden has two more days to figure this out before he gets stuck on the stage for about two hours with no teleprompter and Donald Trump standing opposite him.

If Chris Wallace does not bail him out, it is hard to imagine Biden not completely embarrassing himself at least once during the first presidential debate.

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Anthony Smith

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