VIDEO: Biden FREEZES – Forgets Which Administration He Served

Joe Biden
Photo via GOP War Room YouTube Video Screenshot
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I may not be a medical expert, but it would take an awful lot of convincing for me to believe that Joe Biden doesn’t have the onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia.

I am not saying this to be funny; quite the opposite.

When Joe Biden cannot remember the last administration he was a part of, this is a real problem.


I want you to watch this snippet of Biden talking about his “Moonshot” program…

How can a man that is supposed to be running the biggest power in the world not remember that he was in the Obama administration five years ago?

This, of course, is far from the first time that Joe Biden has forgotten a name or blanked out on camera.

As far as the “Moonshot” program goes, it is good that he admitted that he worked hard on it when it first launched.

That is because Biden just admitted he scammed people of out of millions of dollars in donations.

The entire budget of the project, over its two years in operation, never spent a penny on cancer research.

That is right… not a penny. Virtually every dollar paid out by the organization went to pay salaries.

I won’t go so far as to say that it is on the level of the Clinton Foundation, but it is pretty close.

The fact Biden is using his current office to refire the project and drive donations is shameful.

It actually would not surprise me if Hunter Biden finds his name on a door somewhere in the organization because we know his daddy loves to set him up for some sweetheart deals!

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Anthony Smith

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