A rather interesting interview took place this week with a major Biden surrogate.
Jenna Arnold may not be a household name, but she is doing the media circuit on behalf of Joe Biden… or at least she was.
During a recent Fox News interview, Arnold more or less gave up the tapes on the Hunter Biden email story.
When pressed by Leland Vittert, Arnold did not even try to question the authenticity of the emails…
So, if the emails are authentic, what are we all arguing about, right?
If they are authentic, it means Joe Biden has been lying to the American people for decades.
It also happens to mean that Joe Biden is deeply compromised, and that is something even the most diehard liberals cannot ignore.
It is literally everything they claim about Trump but is actually true about Joe Biden.
To be honest, the only thing holding this back as a full-blown scandal is Rudy Giuliani.
Even I will admit that I do not trust him, which is why I am glad the laptop is being authenticated.
If it is authenticated, however, Joe Biden has a HUGE problem on his hands.
Source: The Blaze