We’re fortunate to have as many people from the previous couple of generations still around us to show the right way to handle things. The folks who grew up in the Great Depression and World War Two eras of American history have so many lessons to still show us.
For example, I had a granny that I went to visit one time about nine years ago. My wife and I traveled in from out of state to visit for a few days and granny was excited to see the family.
We arrive after a long drive, and the first thing that we see when we pull up is my grandmother standing on an eight-foot ladder by herself with nobody holding it. On the grass. Cleaning the gutters. She was close to ninety years old at the time.
People of that generation were just tough and didn’t take any crap unless it was necessary.
Added to that, their times living through the Depression and World War Two instilled them with the belief that things truly had value and what was theirs was theirs through hard work.
It always makes me laugh when I see some young punk trying to take something from an old person who realizes they have more sunsets behind them than in front of them.
Try stealing from an old person, see how much of a fight you get.
Recently in the Atlanta area, an eighty-two-year-old man who I’ll call Fred since we haven’t been able to get a name as of this writing was pumping gas. Minding his own business, getting through his day like so many of us do.
A young punk came up to him and demanded that he hand over the keys to his car and step aside.
Now, there are some of us out there who might have thought “Well, I have insurance that will replace the car” and handed the keys over.
Well, old Fred decided that today was simply not going to be the day he just gave up the car. It seems that he had it in his mind that this gutless thug would only be able to have the car if the thug took it from him.
As you can see from the video, a struggle ensued that this thug didn’t quite realize he was prepared for, despite being armed against an eighty-two-year-old man.
In the middle of the struggle, Fred managed to grab the gun from the would-be carjacker and toss it to the side. The punk got the upper hand in the fight and tried getting into the car. Then the funniest thing happened, the car wouldn’t start.
The punk then fled the scene, and he definitely misjudged the level of fight that the old man had in him.