As the woke mind virus seems to permeate every single aspect of American culture lately, it’s almost as if every single thing a person can or would want to do has the possibility of being labeled as racist by Democrats.
I was in the process of doing some repairs and upkeep on my camper to get ready for a big trip my wife and I were going to go on and I asked her if she thought that the camper would be considered insensitive by liberals because they’d say it was mocking the homeless.
She got a good laugh out of that. My point is that it seems that everything that a person would want to do can be pigeonholed as racist or something by a liberal.
Take informal dress codes for example. You might walk into a diner after a long day at work to have something to eat in your work clothes, but you wouldn’t go to a fancy steakhouse dressed like you were covered in sawdust.
It’s up to each place of business to decide what is good for them from a profit and safety standpoint. Take Family Dollar for example.
Recently, a Missouri Family Dollar location got hit by the blowback of a grade-A strain of the woke mind virus after they put up a sign asking something so very simple.
The request was that people who were entering the store wearing hoodies pull the hoodies down so their faces weren’t covered.
You know, so the store employees and security cameras could get a good look at everyone that came into the store in case someone tried to shoplift from the store.
I don’t know if you realize this, but these dollar store chains get stolen from quite a lot. Last I checked, theft isn’t limited to one race of people.
But oh brother did the woke maniacs come out in full force in this one. What should have been folks seeing the sign and going “Oh, that makes sense” turned into a full-blown accusation of racism against the store’s management.
I mean, I work outside a lot and I wear a nice thick hooded sweatshirt when I’m going around town in the wintertime. If I saw a sign like that I would simply pull the hood down. They’re not asking people to consent to a strip search. What they are asking is no different than “Please wear shoes” or “Don’t come in here naked.”
Yet the woke brigade felt compelled to complain about this to the point that Family Dollar corporate got called and was forced to reprimand store management.
I mean, why even bother blinking at this point? Some woke maniac will just tell you you’re being insensitive towards the blind.