Now that there’s been two attempts to take Donald Trump’s life, security around Melania is extra tight. They can pull some of Joe’s detail because he no longer needs protection. Kamala isn’t much of a threat worth eliminating either. The Secret Service are so intent on clearing their name and avoiding more major screw-ups that they inadvertently put Eric Trump at risk. That’s a major screw-up.
Security chaos in New York
A mere “two days after a second assassination attempt against the former president in just over two months,” her security detail wasn’t taking any chances.
When former and future First Lady Melania Trump left the couple’s primary residence in New York City’s Trump Tower, she was under heavy guard.
They had Fifty-Sixth Street under such tight lock down that her arriving stepson, Eric Trump, couldn’t get through.
He was “forced to get out of his car at 56th and 5th Avenue and walk approximately 40 feet to the side entrance.” Totally unprotected the whole way. His own security team had been left out of the loop.
When Melania decided to go run a few errands on Tuesday, September 17, “a convoy of eight vehicles — including an NYPD Emergency Service Unit van manned by a cop carrying an automatic weapon,” guarded her departure. The “intimidating fleet was double the usual detail of four vehicles that typically guard the former first lady.”
The 54-year-old Slovenia-born model was ushered away by security through the “underground parking garage, rather than the side door she normally uses to come and go.” Outside, “one woman — possibly an aide or assistant — was spotted getting into Melania’s SUV after it emerged from the garage.”

Thwart the arrival
While the Secret Service was treating Melania with kid gloves, they didn’t care about who else in Mid-town Manhattan was inconvenienced. Even if it was another security protected VIP.
“Fifty-Sixth Street was completely closed as Melania’s entourage pulled away from the building — appearing to thwart the arrival of her stepson Eric Trump around the same time.” Because the street was closed off, Eric decided to live dangerously.
The tight security perimeter around Melania, he figured, should have chased away any crazy Democrats with guns so he decided to abandon his car “at 56th and 5th Avenue and walk approximately 40 feet to the side entrance.” He made it without incident. The Secret Service is generally on ultra-high alert.
Just this past Saturday, Donald Trump was playing a relaxing game of golf until more bullets went whizzing by. The suspect fled but thanks to modern technology was captured around 50 miles away. He’s in custody now but the interesting details haven’t yet been provided.
After Kimberly Cheatle resigned in disgrace for allowing a sniper to gain the absolute best vantage point and squeeze off eight rounds at Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, the replacement Director had to issue a statement explaining how they allowed it to happen again.
The Florida gunman waited in ambush for a full 12 hours. The security team “later admitted that the golf course was not searched ahead of Trump’s visit.” They blamed that on last minute notice. The round of golf was an “off-the-record,” or unscheduled, event.