Senator Scott Hammers Biden for Fear-mongering Over SCOTUS Ruling

Joe Biden
Photo via Stephen Colbert YouTube Video Screenshot
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Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) just dropped a dose of reality on the country.

After hearing Joe Biden’s initial response to the most recent Supreme Court ruling, Scott charged Biden as a fear-mongering president.

Sadly, he is right.

Just Stop

I question how many people protesting the Roe v. Wade ruling have even read the full opinion.

Even worse, the people with the biggest voices spread the most disinformation about the ruling.

Joe Biden is at the top of that list.

On Biden, Scott, in part, stated, “Fear-mongering is really what President Biden just talked about, he’s fear-mongering.

“The truth is, I’m so thankful that over the last three or four years, we were able to put 300 federal judges on the bench and three conservative Supreme Court justices.”

You can see his full segment in the video below…

Abortion is not outlawed, as the Democrats would love you to believe.

All the ruling did was kick the issue back to the states.

And, believe me, even though some red states will crack down, there will be plenty of states throughout the country where abortion rights will probably be expanded.

I am sick and tired of hearing people talk about how abortion is a constitutionally protected right, because it is not.

Find the word abortion in that text to prove me wrong.

If people read Roe v. Wade, they might realize how flawed that ruling was from the outset, as it was never about women’s rights or privacy rights, as it has come to be known over the years.

The late Justice Ginsburg broke it down many times, calling it a flawed ruling that was ripe for overturning.

Democrats have had complete control of Congress many times and could have created reasonable legislation to address this issue.

Republicans, on numerous occasions, were willing to find a middle ground, but Democrats always wanted it all.

Their greed backfired, and now they are willing to set the country on fire because of it.

Fear-mongering… it is what makes that party thrive.

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Anthony Smith

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