Joe Biden likes to pretend that he does not look at the polls.
After the latest, perhaps he should start.
It is tough to remember any Oval Office occupant in modern history showing such poor results across the board.
Struggling to Stay Afloat
Right now, it is tough to find something that Joe Biden is doing right in the eyes of the majority of Americans.
I have long stated that this administration is putting in policies for five percent of the country and hopes everyone else comes along for the ride.
Well, Joe, it is not working.
In the latest Rasmussen Poll, a whopping 66 percent of the country sees us as more divided now than under Trump.
Keep in mind that Joe Biden ran on a platform of creating “unity” in both Congress and the country.
Yet, his scores are worse than Trump and the only way something gets passed in Congress is by reconciliation.
A Politico/Morning Consult poll had Biden trailing ANY Republican candidate in the 2024 election by nine points.
That is no person, no agenda, just an “R” next to his or her name, and it would be enough to vote him out.
Finally, yet another poll shows only 19 percent want Biden to run for re-election.
Even less want to see Kamala Harris run…
I am no polling expert, but I would say that spells trouble for Biden and Democrats.