There was a palpable smell of fear in the air at the recent teachers’ union convention. They’re terrified that Donald Trump will be reelected and put a stop to their unchecked brainwashing of America’s youth. They prefer putting litter boxes in the classroom for students who identify as kittens. While frowning on things like reading, writing, or anything to do with numbers.
Teachers’ Union backs Democrats
It’s not surprising that the teachers’ union votes Democrat. As New York Post writes, “from start to finish, last week’s American Federation of Teachers national convention was all about keeping a Democrat in the White House.”
The last thing they want is for parents to have any sort of “choice” in where their kids get their education.
First up at the Union gala was AFT chief Randi Weingarten. She delivered a rousing “over-the-top rant against Donald Trump.”
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is a union (1.7 million members) that has a *HUGE* conference on Monday, 7/22.
They wrote and will vote on 60 various resolutions.
*SEVEN* of these are antisemitic, propaganda based (apartheid, genocide), anti-Israel, pro BDS, and…
— Matthew Feinberg (@thewebbie) July 18, 2024
Conservatives laugh at the video showing “her gesturing wildly, screaming and shouting as though she were at a revival-tent meeting, not a gathering of teachers.”
The main event at the end of the convention was “Kamala Harris thanking the delegates for her very first union endorsement in her sudden run for the top job.” She got a much warmer welcome there than the one she got from visiting Israeli delegates.
Her remarks after a private meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu did so much good that it may have started World War Three. It appears she emboldened Hezbollah to lob a rocket into the Golan Heights, killing innocent Syrians, instead of the Jews they were gunning for.

A host of resolutions
Anyone attending the convention would have to check the sign to make sure they didn’t wander into a security conference instead. The radical left teachers at the union shindig weren’t there to talk about education. They weren’t even there to talk about indoctrination.
They wanted to talk about the poor Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Delegates “offered a host of resolutions calling for a cease-fire in Israel’s war on Hamas.”
Along with calling for the end of U.S. military aid to Israel, the union managed to wedge in one education related point. Almost as an afterthought. They passed a resolution “protecting anti-Israel campus protesters.” It’s terrible how the Biden regime is actually “enabling genocide” in Gaza.
At her keynote speech at the American Federation of Teachers’ 88th national convention, Kamala Harris warned of the irreversible damage that felonious Trump's Nazi-inspired Project 2025/Agenda47 would do to teachers & our education system. We're not going back! #YesWeKam
— Lesley Abravanel 🪩 (@lesleyabravanel) July 25, 2024
The teachers need to go back to school for a refresher on Mid-East History. Maybe then they would understand who the players are. Since nobody knows how to read, they might be able to get a copy of Lawrence of Arabia on DVD to watch. That might be hard to find because censors don’t like all those scenes of blowing up trains. It might give people ideas.
Randi Weingarten spoke for most of the union when she ranted about “imminent violence and fascism if Donald Trump wins the 2024 election.” He’ll put a stop to drag queen story hour. He might even have some of the gay sex books pulled from elementary school classroom shelves.
The Hamas, Pride and Black Lives Matter flags will all need to come down. Conservatives don’t like field trips to the sex shop or demonstrations of dildos and butt plugs. In other words, Weingarten whined, “the eradication of the rights and freedoms we hold dear.“