Sex sells, as any OnlyFans model can tell you. They have a dirty little secret for augmenting their income that’s against the platform’s terms of service. They get away with it anyway. You may think you’re developing a deep and meaningful intimate relationship with the model of your dreams. Chances are you’re really chatting with a robot. The scary part is that robots are better at interpersonal relationships than people are.
Much more than sex
Reasonable adults recognize that there’s a significant demand for sex oriented content on the web of all varieties. OnlyFans has a wide reputation as “a porn-saturated website.” The thing which makes it different from the rest is their claim to offer subscribers “a chance to forge ‘authentic relationships‘ with content creators.”
They mean well, and put terms to that effect into their contract. “You cannot use an AI chatbot to write chats or direct messages,” the terms say. The reality is that’s false advertising.
More and more of the models, especially the popular ones, “rely on ‘chatters‘ to impersonate them in messages designed to pry dollars from randy subscribers.” They’re allowed to do that. What they aren’t allowed to do is use “bots.”
Soon they'll connect the AI chat to sex robots….
— Make America Grunge🐸 Again (@make_metal) April 17, 2024
Third party software vendors found a loophole and a way around the OnlyFans service terms. Instead of hiring teams of 15 or 20 human sex chatters to impersonate the model, one robot can do it all. And they’re better at it, too.
The models who have accounts on the platform, particularly the sex for money oriented ones, are all managed by agencies. Inside the industry, AI sexting software is heavily advertised. The one for NEO Agency promises theirs “doesn’t just send messages, it creates authentic connections.”
The subscriber and his credit card never notice the difference. They all “assume they’re chatting in real time with porn stars.” The model can easily bypass or minimize the need for human chatters.

Years of relationship-building expertise
One of the most popular robots is FlirtFlow. Their robot “captures the essence of years of relationship-building expertise, ensuring every interaction is genuine and meaningful.”
Robots don’t care what your particular sex fantasies are. They’re really good at fulfilling them as long as tipped appropriately. FlirtFlow and her sisters are more analyst than love interest.
“You cannot directly jump into the typical ‘Hey, Daddy, tip me!‘ stuff,” FlirtFlow CEO Luc Jaris explains. They may be there for sex but they can do that in a couple minutes. The money comes from extended deep interpersonal relationships. Lonely men are huge tippers.
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
“China’s next-gen sexbots powered by AI are about to hit the shelves
Chinese scientists and engineers are applying ChatGPT-like technology to sex robots, aiming to create interactive,…
— Prodigal (@ProdigalThe3rd) June 22, 2024
“You have to start by really comprehending the fan… Where’s he from? What’s his problem? Why does he hate his boss? What’s his dog’s name? You collect information. Because otherwise, how are you supposed to connect with him? How are you supposed to get money out of him?” There is lots of money to be had. Each OnlyFans account is a goldmine.
Just accessing an account sets the subscriber back between $4.99 and $50 per month. The real money comes from tips and donations. Those are based on the kind of sex chat you want to have. The service Botly, “bypasses OnlyFans’ bot ban because a human still must manually send the AI-generated messages.”
FlirtFlow offers that as an option but it can run fully automatic, as well. They assure that OnlyFans will never know the difference.