China Not Happy With Pentagon After Big Show of US Military Force

The Pentagon is teasing the Chinese with a Pacific show of force.
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China is not happy with a recent U.S. show of force and aggression. While Israel is attempting to get a global war started in the Middle East, the Pentagon is teasing the Chinese. Eurasian Times calls it “a display that may have drawn significant attention from China.” It was diplomatically attention grabbing for a number of reasons.

Intimidating show of force

The Chinese are complaining loudly but they’ve been showing force in the region themselves recently, so don’t have much room to object. The current ruckus was stirred up by the latest Rim of the Pacific exercises.

Allied forces got to practice sinking a real warship, the decommissioned USS Tarawa. It’s the way we did it that has the Pooh Bear hot under the collar.

The United States used a B-2 Spirit stealth bomber to launch “a new, cost-effective missile.” One of them took out “the enormous vessel.” That was only one of the fun and exciting events in “the multi-national maritime and aerial drills RIMPAC conducted earlier this month.

Besides the Tarawa, which was an amphibious assault ship, they also used excessive force on the ex-USS Dubuque. That one the military called an “amphibious transport dock.” The troops love playing with live ammunition.

The thing which bothers the Chinese so much was the gear we used in an obvious show of military force. For an appetizer, the Navy used a F/A-18F Super Hornet to deploy our “most advanced maritime strike weapon, the stealthy Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile.

To finish the job, we used a “B-2 Stealth bomber, which fired the low-cost QUICKSINK missile.” It lived up to the label.

The troops love playing with live ammunition.

Very significant test

The test was considered “very significant” because it shows the communist Chinese the new armament “could be employed in a potential conflict with China.

The single QUICKSINK missile detonated with enough force to destroy an assault ship “which measured 820 feet in length with a displacement of around 40,000 tons.” That’s a big deal.

After the test, the Pentagon issued a statement bragging that “this capability is an answer to an urgent need to quickly neutralize maritime threats over massive expanses of ocean around the world at minimal costs.

When we go to war with China, every penny is going to count. Both sides expect to use a whole lot of weapons and ammunition. This little show of force was meant to underscore the power of cheap disposable missiles.

The exercise demonstrated that the US military could use a low-cost guided bomb to sink a large surface ship using one of its most resilient weapon systems, the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber.” Using that to deliver the weapon was another crucial psychological part of showing decisive force.

The B-2 bomber’s stealth features allow it to operate at high altitudes with minimal chances of detection by radar, enabling it to penetrate heavily defended airspaces. This grants a battlefield perspective that lower-flying aircraft cannot achieve with their sensors. So, outfitting this bomber with a lethal yet inexpensive missile is promising.” Promising enough to rattle China, the Pentagon hopes.

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Mark Megahan

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