Biden Gets 3-point Boost in Polling

Joe Biden
Photo Courtesy of jlhervàs via Creative Commons License
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For the first time in forever, Joe Biden just got a polling boost.

In this week’s Politico-Morning Consult poll, Biden had a 42-point approval rating.

His disapproval rating also dropped, down to 56 percent from 59 percent.

People Buying This?

It is disheartening, actually, that people are buying into this hype.

We have a lot of people that do nothing more than click on headlines in this country.

They accept the soundbites and clickbait without actually reading the story to find out the truth or doing research on their own.

Joe Biden says he reduced gasoline prices, so they believe him.

Joe Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act, so they believe he did something to decrease inflation.

Proof of that is that the number of people that now believe the country is on the right track has risen from 25 percent to 30 percent.

If I sound concerned, I am, because this is the exact boost Democrats needed before the election.

If people buy into this garbage, that red wave will take a hit, and it is already in survival mode in the Senate.

We need to get the word out about the TRUTH, my friends, and we need to do it fast.

About Post Author

Anthony Smith

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