Even the wildlife in Washington state are socialists. One woman’s been providing handouts to the local raccoons. This isn’t something she just started, it’s been going on for a full 35 years. Suddenly, she came home one day and there were around a hundred of the critters, all demanding food. She called the cops.
Wildlife demand social services
Washington state wildlife got jealous of free-range humans invading their habitat with pop-up tents and getting free food from local social service workers.
Apparently, they decided to show up for their share of the benefits. The raccoon community already knew a friendly donor.
Deputies with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s office got a 911 call from a Poulsbo woman reporting that “more than 100” of the homeless, mask wearing hoodlums were “preventing her from getting inside.”
When they got there, officers learned she was at least partially responsible for the commotion. She admitted “she had been feeding the animals.” They never ganged up on her before and she’s been tossing scraps to the wildlife since 1989. That was the first time they started acting like registered Democrats.
Deputies were also “shocked” by the influx of raccoons. That was six weeks ago and the wildlife hasn’t returned to their normal habits. Officials are still trying to figure out why the population of beggars abruptly “exploded.”
Dozens “of the ringtailed bandits surrounding her suburban property.” They’re a nuisance day and night, vocally “demanding food.”
Word got out
The deputies had never seen “so many raccoons in one place.” According to sheriff’s office spokesperson Kevin McCarthy. “somehow the word got out in raccoon land, and they all showed up at her house expecting a meal.”
It’s a new one for local residents as well. They aren’t happy about the organized gangs of wildlife terrorizing the neighborhood. “Nobody ever remembers being surrounded by a swarm of raccoons. This was a first.”
Deputies made sure to point out that it’s fortunate that “nobody was reported bitten or scratched by the animals, which are known for carrying diseases like rabies and roundworm.” The woman’s neighbors are getting a little perturbed. The wildlife is supposed to stay away from civilization.
Wendy Cronk lives nearby. “I’d say it’s been about the last month or so I’ve noticed it. I’ve had several raccoons in the yard recently. My dogs have gotten in a scuffle several times with a raccoon. I’ve even had to take one of my dogs to the vet after tussling with a raccoon.”
Another thing she noticed is “there’s been a lot more hit raccoons up on the main road here.” All she cares about is making it someone else’s problem. “I just hope that somebody steps in and helps her take care of this problem and hopefully she’ll quit doing it.” The raccoons weren’t a problem until last week, even though they’d been fed regularly. This is something freaky.
When the woman called a trapping service, she was quoted $500 a head. Obviously that’s not a viable solution. The sheriff’s office directed her to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. “At this point, it’s been determined that the raccoons haven’t committed any crimes,” McCarty relates. He also reminds, “it’s pretty simple: Don’t feed wild animals. When wild animals have a reliable food source, they’re going to keep coming back to it. And that’s what these raccoons did until the number of raccoons expecting a meal got out of hand.“