Warning: Parasitic Worm Outbreak Here in America

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The idea that a parasitic worm would be in my body is something that I don’t think I would be able to deal with mentally.

That’s just the kind of thing that you would think only happens to people in movies and underdeveloped countries.

I mean, we have whole systems in place in our society to prevent that sort of thing from happening but at the end of the day it seems to still happen.

A lot of it has to do with the storage and preparation of food.

There are some folks that for whatever reason don’t see fit to keep their food stored properly. I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I have thrown out some perfectly good pork just because it had been left out a little too long.

This is probably because the one time I got sick from a food-related illness it was a case of food poisoning that was so bad I heard the doctors talk about possibly airlifting me to a hospital that was better equipped to handle my situation.

However, you have to be careful when it comes to food. Bad food safety habits could harm your whole family.

Case in point, recently six members of one family in South Dakota were hit by a life-threatening illness after a family cookout.

Now, this would be very unusual if not for the fact that wild game was served.

The family ended up contacting roundworms after eating bear meat that was undercooked.

The meat from the bear was originally frozen, but the worms found in the meat were very resilient when it came to being frozen. Essentially all it did was put them to sleep.

Roundworms are one of those things that can easily be spread via cross-contamination.

Bottom line is, certain wild game meats should only be cooked by someone with a skilled hand in their preparation and treatment. What it sounds like here is someone thought to themselves that they should get some bear burgers without knowing exactly how to prepare it.

If you ask me, any unfamiliar meat should be cooked until it is damn near a hockey puck…because ketchup can cover up a lot of cooking sins.

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Fred Wilson

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