The media is attempting to portray Laura Loomer as somehow having undue influence over once and future President Donald Trump. To use one of their favorite expressions, they’re making speculative claims without any evidence. Trump set the record straight while speaking at a campaign stop on Friday, in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
Laura Loomer a supporter
No matter what the biased network media is attempting to portray, Laura Loomer is “a supporter,” just like a lot of other people. She’s a “free spirit” and the media don’t like her because she’s conservative, articulate and popular. Liberals across the network media industry are in a frenzy because she also has a constitutionally protected sense of humor.
One remark in particular has everybody in the network studios going spastic and calling her an ignorant racist. “If Kamala Harris is elected,” the feisty conservative proclaimed, “the White House will smell like curry.”
Laura Loomer, Trump clarified for his gathered fans on September 13, has “been a supporter of mine, just like a lot of people are supporters.” They proudly call themselves “deplorables.” She also “speaks very positively of the campaign.” An exchange with reporters came at the end of his speech.
He’s well aware of the baseless rumors swirling around. He diplomatically baited them into saying it to his face. “I’m not sure why you asked that question, but Laura is a supporter.”
“Look, I can’t tell Laura what to do,” he pointedly told the press. Loomer “has to say what she wants. She’s a free spirit.” Many of his advisors and friends talk just like she does. “Laura’s a supporter. I have a lot of supporters.” Many of them also tag along with his entourage on Trump Force One.
“She’s a strong person. She’s got strong opinions, and I don’t know what she said, but that’s not up to me.” He promised to look into it and put out a statement later. “I do know that she may have said something based on what you’re telling me, but I don’t know what she said, but I’ll go take a look and I’ll put out a statement later on.”

Courting Controversy
CNN is aghast that someone like Laura Loomer could have an influential relationship with Donald Trump. She’s “made a career out of courting controversy,” they write. “Rising out of the radical right-wing online ecosystem, she has regularly tested the willingness of internet companies to enforce their terms of service.”
They don’t like the fact she admits to being a “proud Islamophobe.” The over-the-line comment which provoked that remark was a tweet she posted in 2018 that “someone needs to create a non Islamic form of Uber or Lyft because I never want to support another Islamic immigrant driver.” Apparently she’s not entitled to voice her opinion.
So what if Muslims are offended? They have the exact same right to be offended as she has to be offensive. They can always come back and criticize her ancestry or something. They would have to be creative about it though, because she would be sure to come up with some sort of epic response to escalate things.
After being “banned from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” Loomer patiently explained to CNN that despite her statements, she is not “anti-Muslim.”
Another thing the left can’t stand about her is the way she actually believes “the attack on the World Trade Center towers was an inside job.” It’s not like there isn’t a whole slew of actual evidence going around verifying the conspiracy claim.
CNN is alarmed because they think Donald Trump is a walking conspiracy theory all by himself. The last thing they want to see is him hanging around with someone like Laura Loomer.