Schumer Exposes Fellow Dem in Failed Abortion Vote

Chuck Schumer
Photo Courtesy of Senate Democrats via Creative Commons License
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Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had to think he had a united front by conducting what is known as a “show vote.”

This is when you know your vote will fail, but you want to get people on the record to show voters where they stand.

Schumer showed them all right, and he exposed Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) in the process.

More To It

The Women’s Health Protection Act, as Manchin stated and why he would not back it, was an expansion upon abortion, not the simple codifying of Roe v. Wade as Democrats wanted everyone to believe.

While most Americans would allow abortion with restrictions, they do not want to see it expanded.

As a matter of fact, recent polling found that only 19 percent believe that there should be zero restrictions on abortion.

I have long stated that there are enough Republicans, simply to get his issue settled, who would sign off on abortion as long as the unborn were protected for the majority of the pregnancy.

Dems, however, want abortion available right up through birth, regardless of reason, which is utterly horrific.

Manchin touched on this, stating, “Make no mistake. It is not Roe v. Wade codification. It’s an expansion.

“It expands abortion. … We should not be dividing this country further than we’re already divided.”

Over and above exposing Manchin, Schumer may have also exposed Democrats with a moderate base that are pro-lifers.

Now voters know they want to kill the unborn right up until birth, possibly making even more Democrats vulnerable in 2022.

This was an idiotic move by Schumer, one of many he has made while holding the gavel in the Senate.

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Anthony Smith

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