Democrats know they will take a beating in the House come November.
However, they are hoping to take and/or hold seats in typical battleground states where Dems still have significant influence.
This would probably explain why Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) headed to the Keystone State to push one of his socialist buddies.
Of course, he did this while flying first class instead of coach with the commoners.
Such Hypocrites
Sanders flew to Pittsburgh to support Summer Lee to rail for the socialist candidate.
While stumping for someone who wants the government to control everything, many found it somewhat ironic that Sanders did so while flying first class to Pittsburgh.
Now, this was actually a step down for Bernie, who often flies private.
Regardless, the fact that campaign dollars by hard-working Americans were spent to cover his travel expenses so Bernie would not have to sit in the back of the plane with commoners is pretty ironic.
While endorsing Less, Sanders stated, “We have a working-class, a middle class, in this country who are struggling and it’s absolutely imperative we get (people) into Congress who are prepared to stand up and take on powerful special interest and fight for working families.”
He continued, “I’ve known Summer for a number of years and Summer believes as I do, that it is totally absurd that you have billionaires in this country, some of the very richest people paying nothing, not a penny in federal income tax.
“(All) because you have a rigged tax system that favors the wealthy and large corporations.”
Just in case you were curious, Bernie Sanders is one of those rich people he often talks about.
He has a net worth of about $3 million while never really working an actual job in his life.
He gives very little to charity and exploits the very tax loopholes he has the power to close if he really wanted to.
It is hard to believe that there are some liberals in this country that still fall for this nonsense.