It’s a pretty sad state of affairs for the world we live in that we have to be on guard all the time the way we have to be these days. Just look at some of the things that happen in downtown urban areas with roving gangs cleaning entire stores out.
You can’t even go to a Walmart anymore without having to worry that something bad is going to happen to you.
It used to be that you could go into a store, walk around, pay for what you wanted, and leave without having to worry about something horrible happening to you. Now you have to act like everything is some Seal Team Six operation.
Part of it is definitely from people having no respect for others, their health, and their general safety. We live in an era of people worrying about “getting theirs” more than their fellow man.
People don’t care about the safety of others, as long as what they are doing makes them feel good.
Think about the last time you walked into a Walmart. It could have been today, it could have been last week. You probably grabbed your shopping cart without even realizing that there was more than a fair chance that someone horrific person was trying to harm you.
For example, one thing that police have been warning about recently is that there are vile people who have been hiding razor blades in the handles of shopping carts.
What they are doing is opening up that little rubber handle just enough and pushing the razor inside so that when you grip the handle it cuts you open seven ways to Sunday.
A woman from Connecticut named Cheryl Johnson had this happen to her not to long ago. She walked into her local Walmart with her husband and her husband Mel went to grab a cart. Immediately he was hit with a wave of pain that as he said it “defied description”.
This type of heinous garbage puts everyone who could ever find their hands on a shopping cart in danger of getting hurt badly. These punks that are doing this have absolutely no regard for the people they could be seriously hurting.
This is why I have started taking my wallet and running it on the underside of the handle to see if anything tears up the material of my wallet. The bottom line, there are some absolutely awful people out there. Take care of yourselves.