You know, we’ve only had a national anthem that seemed to be working fine for everyone for what seems like hundreds of years now. Nobody seemed to mind about it until a couple of years ago.
It used to be that when they played the national anthem, everyone stood up, hand over your heart and whatnot, and then we went on with our business.
Seemed like a social contract that everyone had no problem with.
Now, the woke nonsense that has permeated through every aspect of American society over the past few years has infected the population with the notion that having just one national anthem is enough.
Yes, they decided that we need another one. A Black National Anthem. I am all about giving every last person regardless of race their due.
What I am not about is having it thrown in my face about how horrible someone thinks I am for something my ancestors did a couple of hundred years ago.
Think about every time that you have been judged based on the actions of someone you knew or were a family member of. What if that person these same people were judging you on died in 1919? Think about that for a second.
That’s not to say that some people are getting pretty darned tired of having to hear several national anthems in one shot like they are the previews before a movie.
At the most recent Super Bowl, before the game they had a young lady named Andra Day sing “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” the song otherwise known as the Black National Anthem. Now, this woman is not a bad singer.
However, the message conveyed by the mere performance of this song is one of “we want you to feel bad, all the time for something you didn’t do”.
Thankfully, the crowd in attendance at the Super Bowl made everyone who decided to pull this stunt that they were not paying the kind of money you pay for Super Bowl tickets to be told they were all horrible people.
Then the funniest thing happened. Birds appeared. Invisible birds that do one thing, make a heck of a lot of noise.
Yes, the Boo Birds came out in full force and let everyone know that maybe dividing the races before a game that’s played based on the premise of team unity maybe isn’t the best idea.
The point is people, we have one nation. We only need one national anthem.