Remember all that outrage over our troops who did not want to get vaccinated?
At one point, Joe Biden wanted to see them all get dishonorably discharged.
That stance has now softened considerably in the Navy and Marines.
Changing Gears
Last week, it was reported that the Pentagon was going to soften its penalties for Navy personnel who did not want to take the vaccine.
More specifically, a lawsuit brought on by SEALs ended up having the Navy backtrack on its penalties.
Now, very quietly, the same thing is happening in the Marines but it is much broader.
A recent memo went out telling commanders that troops that did not take the vaccine could not have it used against them in their fitness reports, nor could it impact their promotion status.
It stated, “Marine Corps will not enforce any order to accept COVID-19 vaccination, administratively separate, or retaliate against Marines in the class for asserting statutory rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).”
It continued, “Involuntary administrative separation processing of class members for refusing COVID-19 vaccination is suspended.”
There has already been considerable damage done on this front, however.
What about the career soldiers that were forced to separate before this mandate, some of them within months of collecting their 20-year pension?
This is not the end, as I would suspect a stack of lawsuits to start piling up against the administration to have these troops reinstated without losing time or benefits.