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Texans just got a taste of how classless Beto O’Rourke is.
While Governor Abbott was readying to give Uvalde residents an update on the mass shooting, O’Rourke decided to go for political headlines.
The man has no class.
Time and a Place
If O’Rourke wants to hold is own presser, fine, do it.
However, the one thing that should not be done is turning something such as this into a forum for a political debate to score points.
Yet, this is what O’Rourke did…
The man you heard calling O’Rourke a “sick son of a bitch” is Mayor Don McLaughlin, who was clearly upset over the gatecrashing tactic of O’Rourke.
This community is hurting, including one of the responding officers, whose daughter is among the deceased.
There is a time and place, Beto, and that surely was not it.