He’s doing time for shooting a pair of FBI agents but Leonard Peltier is really a political prisoner. The Native American was handed two life sentences “for an incident in 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation that led to a shootout.” He was part of the American Indian Movement and has been locked in a cage for the past 49 years. The parole board denied, once again, his most recent plea for freedom.
Prisoner denied parole, again
It’s not surprising that the Parole Commission is “denying parole” for this particular prisoner. Native American activist Leonard Peltier has his parole denied regularly, since he was given two life sentences.
He doesn’t realize it but they’re actually doing him a favor. Things have changed so much since the Pine Ridge incident that Peltier would probably take one look around and ask to go back in his safe, snug cell.
America was a totally different place in 1975, especially on the reservations. Christopher Wray doesn’t really care. In June, the FBI director smugly scoffed at the potential for this prisoner to be paroled. Two federal instigators got wasted. That’s enough for Wray. “Peltier has never accepted responsibility or shown remorse for the incident and is wholly unfit for parole.”
Dig into why the United States is holding Leonard Peltier as a political prisoner. Dig into cointelpro. The US parole board has until July 14 to decide Leonard’s fate. This clip is from Robert Redford’s Incident at Oglala (available now) also find @Leonard_Pod for authorized pod pic.twitter.com/r8PHW21nnJ
— Chase Iron Eyes (@ChaseIronEyes) June 27, 2024
Retired agent Ed Woods agrees. “There’s been enough from Peltier that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he’s guilty—no matter how much he tries to pretend otherwise. As far as I’m concerned, justice spoke and continues.” He has a personal grudge and runs the No Parole Peltier Association.
Wray still hasn’t shown any remorse for cutting a Senate hearing short to go fishing. The FBI director may soon find himself a prisoner.
Once Donald Trump gets a new Attorney General who won’t mind prosecuting Wray for his part in the weaponization of government against conservatives in general and Donald Trump in specific.

Turtle Mountain Chippewa
Amnesty International has a few things to say about the political prisoner. They call Peltier’s continued incarceration “a human rights travesty.”
Many see Peltier, “who is a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, as a symbol of racism and oppression against Native Americans by the U.S. criminal justice system.” He’s also “considered a champion for Native American civil rights.”
Wray and his FBI didn’t do so well against the Bundy family but that didn’t stop them from targeting Catholics as domestic terrorists for praying the rosary.
Leonard Peltier has been denied parole. Indigenous people are the second-most overrepresented racial group in jail in the US. Leonard should be free! pic.twitter.com/9EKKaPfKgX
— Sabby Sabs (@SabbySabs2) July 2, 2024
They also work real hard to censor conservative speech. If they have their way, they’ll make a prisoner out of every conservative.
The way things are going, it’s looking like the prisoner will complete one of his life sentences before he’s paroled. According to Nick Tilsen, president and CEO of NDN Collective, Peltier’s parole denial’s like another death sentence.
“They have chosen to take a boarding school survivor, taking America’s longest serving political prisoner in American history that’s indigenous and keep him in prison for a crime that they have no physical evidence against him on.” Appealing the parole decision could take years. “Supporters say Peltier is in declining health.“