Fox News’ Dana Perino Drops Biden BOMBSHELL

Dana Perino
“Dana Perino” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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Joe Biden is starting this year much like he ended the last one… in total disaster.

Biden decided to dig on issues that were destined for failure.

This is utterly baffling for someone like Dana Perino, who knows the ins and outs of White House operations all too well.

Why, Joe, Why?

Joe Biden has made some very curious decisions in terms of where he was going to dig in.

Build Back Better is dead, yet he continues to push it.

His voting rights bill is dead, yet he drew a line in the sand, calling half the country, more actually, domestic enemies for not supporting it.

Then he reversed course on a career-long stance to back breaking the filibuster, another losing cause.

When a president digs in, he will generally know that while the issue may be close, it is going to win.

Biden has done this on issues where his own party does not even back the move.

Fox News’ Dana Perino gets into this a bit deeper…

Many of us thought Joe Biden could not sink lower than he had, but it seems the floor is still a few more levels down based on this.

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Anthony Smith

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