Nationwide Drug Shortage Affecting Millions

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You gotta be careful about the drugs you take. Let me rephrase that.

When it comes to the prescription medications that you take, you always have to be very careful about them. Specifically when it comes to how many you have.

If you get your prescriptions in a sixty day supply for example, it’s probably not a good idea to wait until day fifty-nine to call in the refill.

I’ll give you an example of why this is important. In 2017, we had a hurricane down here in good ol’ Florida that knocked out our power for close to two weeks.

A lot of the businesses in our area were also out of commission for about the same amount of time, including the pharmacies. If your pharmacy isn’t open, your prescription isn’t getting refilled.

As soon as my wife and I saw that there might be some bad weather from this hurricane, we called in refills for every last medication that we have.

Trust me, if there is anything the last few years has taught us it is that you do not want to run out of something and not have any backup.

Which is why a recent report from the Washington Post is pretty darned alarming. A study from the University of Utah revealed that across the United States there are over three hundred separate active drug shortages in the country.

Simply put, there are three hundred and twenty three different medications that are in short supply

So that blood pressure medication that you might need to have every day of your life might either take a little longer to get to you or not get to you at all.

I know that in the last year alone there was a medicine that my wife takes that they just stopped making without warning.

It’s not something that is local to folks picking up their pills at CVS and the like.

Even lifesaving medications that you would find in a hospital’s crash cart are in short supply.

That needle they stick in your chest when your heart stops? That might not be there when you need it.

But as far as home use medications go, always be sure to stock up on your pills. You never know when the supply is going to run out.

About Post Author

Fred Wilson

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