Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) received a very firm kick in the butt last night.
Cheney was ousted during her primary.
The vote was not even close.
With more than 95 percent of the vote, Hageman had lapped Cheney, leading 66-29 percent.
Convincing Win
Just how convincing was the win?
Well, let me put it this way, of the 173,461 counted at the time of this report, Hageman had 109,902 of them.
That includes some Democrats that changed parties to help Cheney.
The point is that every person that voted during the primary that did not vote for Hageman could vote for the Democrat opponent, and Hageman would still win.
Cheney’s concession speech was more nonsense about how she could not just go along with Trump to keep her seat.
Most had already tuned her out because few in Wyoming actually cared what she had to say.
Not to mention her husband is in bed with the Chinese and Hunter Biden, so how about she keeps her mouth shut and goes away.
That will not happen, however.
Come January, she will likely become a talking head on some liberal outlet and become a cult fan.
It would not be a surprise to see her run for president, thinking she could take on Trump head’s up and win.
This should be a “bye Felicia” moment, but it is a fairly safe assumption that Cheney has no intention of going away quietly.