John Kerry CAUGHT RED-HANDED… GOP Coming After Him

John Kerry
Photo via DepositPhotos (Copyright: palinchak)
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It looks like Republicans are finally wising up to the ways of John Kerry.

Several weeks ago, emails from his office were exposed.

When I saw them, it was immediately apparent that outside sources were more or less dictating and possibly even getting final approval over legislation.

Congress being what it is, it has taken them a bit to catch on, but now the GOP is demanding answers regarding these consultations.

Pretty Obvious

House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Michael McCaul (R-TX) is leading the GOP group coming after Kerry and his office.

McCaul stated, “We need to know the extent to which Special Envoy John Kerry is farming his work out to progressive environmentalists, which could be a violation of federal law.”

Kerry’s office was sent a letter by the group of lawmakers stating that reports “suggesting that your office is effectively outsourcing official policymaking functions of the U.S. government to progressive environmentalist groups, and/or utilizing them in an unlawful advisory capacity.

“As has been publicly reported, groups have demanded that the State Department elevate climate change above all national security, great power competition, and human rights considerations, to ‘the top of all [foreign policy] decisions.’

“They have also advised the Department that ‘anyone with a history of blocking climate action must be disqualified from senior international appointments.'”

The initial reports surfaced after a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was made by Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT).

PPT Director Michael Chamberlain stated, “For an administration claiming to be guided by the science, there are more than a few indications that the input of their political allies may be a bigger driver of policy.

“Little wonder that the American public’s trust in its government is in free fall.”

I have zero doubt that this was a blatant pay-to-place scheme.

These groups that were being “consulted” were either big money donors or had people associated with them that were big money donors.

Now they are getting legislation passed that will directly benefit their organizations.

That is about as corrupt as it gets.

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Anthony Smith

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