For all the rhetoric Democrats spew about Trump making it unsafe for them, they really need to take a look at how good they have it.
Run for office in another country and dare to fight corruption, and you get killed before you ever get a chance to have a vote cast in your favor.
Such is the story of Mexican mayoral candidate Alfredo Cabrera.
He’s Gone
Cabrera was out campaigning only days before the election was to take place.
In fact, this was the last possible day to campaign, when his life was ended.
He was shaking hands in a crowd when you suddenly see a gun drawn and put to the back of his head.
The trigger was pulled, and Cabrera’s lifeless body fell to the ground.
Cabrera’s security team opened fire on the shooter, killing him, but the damage had already been done.
Xochitl Galvez, a leading candidate for president, and a the fellow PAN member, stated, “There are no words to express the indignation I feel over the murder of Alfredo Cabrera, candidate for municipal president of Coyuca, Guerrero.
“I met him personally during the brigade after Hurricane Otis and I know that he was a generous and good man.
“My deepest condolences to his family, his friends and the entire town of Coyuca de Benitez. Rest in peace.”
This was the second mayoral candidate assassinated last week, as Ricardo Arizmendi was assassinated on Tuesday.
Thirty four political candidates have been assassinated in Mexico during the most recent election cycle, and it is a safe bet that most, if not all of them, were looking to crackdown on the cartels.
And just to think… these are the people that are flooding our southern border right now that Joe Biden refuses to kick out.
Just how long will it be before this type of thing starts to happen on a regular basis here in the United States.