One of the things that people need to realize about folks who are north of seventy is that while their bodies may not be as sturdy as they once were, some of them still have the tenacity of much younger people.
You see this in a lot of older folks who come from working-class backgrounds. They know the value of a dollar and will give it to anyone who asks, but strike down anyone who tries to take it from them.
It’s often because of this ill-conceived notion that every person over a certain age is some doddering old fool.
Sure, they might not be able to execute the skills they have as often, but they can still pull them out every once in a while.
It’s like one of the old timers’ baseball games they used to do. There was a retired baseball player who was well into his seventies that hit a home run.
I’m not talking about making contact with the ball, I’m not talking about laying down a fine bunt. I am talking about a home run in a full-sized major league ballpark.
Some old people you should just not fool with.
Take for instance the tale of Texas grandmother Rebbie Roberson. She’s sitting at home one night, watching television and minding her own business. Sitting there, not bothering anyone.
Out of nowhere a burglar appears in her home and is pointing a gun to her head. She’s in kind of a bad position here, leaning back in a recliner not anticipating anything but maybe a phone call from relatives that don’t call often enough.
So the burglar got her up out of the chair and began walking her towards another room. What he didn’t realize is in that room was a small table where she kept a loaded .38 handgun.
She wasted no time turning around and pointing the gun right in HIS face. In what might be the most logical move he’d made that day, he turned around and began running out of the house.
She wasn’t content to let sleeping dogs lie. She began opening fire, missing him but leaving several sizable bullet holes in the walls of her house. I can only imagine the damage she would have done to this guy if one of the rounds had made contact.
As of this writing, it seems like the person who tried to rob her while she was at home resting got away. That being said, if I were this person her house might be crossing off of my robbing list.