Biden Beach House Fence Costing Taxpayers $490K

Joe Biden
“Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under
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Joe Biden has figured out another way to screw taxpayers.

As we reported very early in Biden’s term, Homeland Security awarded a contract to have a security fence erected around Biden’s beachfront Delaware home.

Due to supply chain issues, the cost of that fence has escalated, now costing us about $490,000.

Keep Sticking It to Us

Biden does not want to pay a penny to secure our borders, but he will hit taxpayers with a six-figure bill to secure the perimeter of his home.

The most insulting part about all of this is that the fence will not even be completed until June 2023, so Biden will barely have a year left in the term when the wall is done.

Seriously, though, how is this man getting away with this nonsense?

If Joe were the CEO of any major company, he would have been fired and brought up on charges of embezzlement by now.

He never works a full week and now he is now siphoning taxpayer money for personal home improvements.

A report surfaced last week that during his first 18 months in office, Biden has spent 150 days in Delaware.

This did not include the recent vacation, nor did it account for the days he spent at other locations.

The White House tries to defend this, stating that is where Joe lives and where he wants to be, but that is NOT the job!

The job is to be at the White House or at least visible when you are not there.

For all the travel that Obama, Bush, and Trump did when they were in office, we still saw them and had access to them every day.

Joe shuts out the media and locks himself away, all while stealing paychecks.

It is time to fire this man!

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Anthony Smith

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