Two rather explosive reports have surfaced over the weekend that will make Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) slim hopes of holding her seat even slimmer.
When voters find out where Cheney’s money is coming from as well as a move made by her father and how that intertwines win her criticisms about Trump, it should end her once and for all.
When you dig, it is rather amazing what you can find on these people.
Follow the Money
Me complaining about out-of-state money is nothing new and Cheney is helping me make my case.
She has had 1,100 donors from California alone that account for roughly 10 percent of her campaign funds.
That is roughly five times the amount of money from Wyoming residents.
Were it not for out-of-state money, she would probably already be dead in the water.
Daddy’s Girl
Dick Cheney, in my opinion, is one of the most despicable men on the planet.
He gets on his high horse over Trump, yet Cheney was one of the most underhanded political figures of our time.
This is not about Dick Cheney fabricating a war, however.
This is about a move that Cheney made during similar rioting during the Rodney King case, yet Cheney slams Trump and ignores what her father did.
Trump reportedly gave authority to his Defense Secretary if the request was made by local authorities to use National Guard troops on January 6.
That offer, as we know, was refused.
The same offer was made during the Rodney King riots, when Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense for George H. W. Bush.
The difference here is that California Gov. Pete Wilson and Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley made the request.
Troops were put on alert but never ordered to deploy by President Bush.
Here is the big difference, however.
Mayor Bowser openly declined the offer, stating, “To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment.”
Yet, Cheney continues to act as though it was Trump who did not allow the Guard to act.
Oh, the hypocrisy runs deep, my friends.