Dr. Phil Reveals Biden Hiding The True Nature Of His Cognitive Health

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While I am generally one of those people who tries to avoid watching daytime talk shows like they’re a contagious disease, I appreciate that there are some people involved with them who are very accomplished folks.

Take Dr. Phil for example. Sure his talk show is the television equivalent of eating cotton candy for dinner, but the guy is a pretty smart man.

Also, I would say that he is a pretty damn good judge of character. You have to be to have been on television for as long as he has been.

I’d personally hate to have to play poker against him, because he could probably see right through you, even if he was blindfolded.

It’s why we are pretty fortunate to have folks like him who have enough of a public persona that we can count on them to comment on matters of public interest and be safe in the belief that he knows what he is talking about.

That being said, everyone knows that Joe Biden is off his mind in some regard. I’m no doctor, so I can’t exactly diagnose exactly what’s wrong with him.

However, it seems that just about every public appearance of Joe Biden has been carefully coordinated to make it look like everything is fine.

In reality, something is not right with him mentally. His handlers are certainly not going to admit it to us, but at the same time, Biden isn’t doing them any favors when it comes to keeping it under wraps.

In a recent interview, Dr. Phil was asked about Biden taking a cognitive exam of which the results should be publicly viewable.

He was of the mind that if you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t be looking like you are trying to hide something every waking minute of your day.

Dr. Phil can tell that something is up with Biden. His medical specialty was in the brain and central nervous system so when he says that something might be up with Biden’s noggin, chances are there’s something wrong.

The thing is, they’re doing everything that they can to hide what’s wrong with Joe Biden from the American people.

What are they going to do when it is visible to everyone and they can’t hide it anymore? That’s why Biden needs to give it up and go somewhere that he can get help.

About Post Author

Fred Wilson

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