Trump Falls Below DeSantis in Fundraising

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Even though Donald Trump does not hold an office and he has not officially declared, he has continued to fundraise.

Most believe his decision is made on his plans for 2024, but a wrench may have just been tossed into the machine.

Trump fundraising has dropped by about 35 percent.

To make matters worse for Trump, he has fallen significantly behind Ron DeSantis on this front.

For the first six months of the year, DeSantis has outperformed Trump by $9 million.

Growing Wary?

Every time I write something even remotely critical of Trump, people lose their minds, but you are here from my analysis, not to have things sugarcoated.

I have stated several times recently that Trump would be better served to step aside and let DeSantis run, and these numbers back that up.

Now, let me say this… without question, if Trump runs in the primary, he wins, easily.

The problem is that he may not have enough support to win a general election, which is something we simply cannot afford.

This is not about supporting or not supporting Trump… this is about winning.

I am all for the MAGA agenda, but that means nothing if Democrats keep the White House.

The fact that DeSantis is outpacing Trump in fundraising is just staggering to me and a sign that even some Trump supporters are starting to fall away, realizing that Trump is a very big gamble in 2024.

Even if he manages to skirt any legal problems, he is just simply too polarizing for many people on the right.

DeSantis obviously supports the MAGA agenda and a lot of the drama goes away, and that is why I think he is starting to see more money come in than Trump, at least to this point.

Something to consider on the flip side of this is that Trump also has a massive PAC that has not been accounted for yet, so that could put him ahead of DeSantis if you include that PAC money into his total.

Regardless, this is something that we really need to look at to see if Trump is wearing thin on voters.

All I know is that if I were in Trump’s camp right now, I would be whispering in his ear that it may be better to play kingmaker and remain popular than it would be to run again and lose, which is a very strong possibility.

If Trump runs and loses, he will never be forgiven… of that I am sure.

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Anthony Smith

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