Trump finally gets a small win in the case against the DOJ overstepping its boundaries.
This week, the DOJ admitted that it found a “limited set” of records that “potentially” include “attorney-client privileged information.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but that sounds like “no widespread voter fraud” to me.
He Was Right
The fun is just starting on this front for Trump.
Now that he knows they have the documents, he is pressing even harder to have a Special Master assigned to examine the documents taken by the DOJ.
Trump has since hired a very powerful Florida attorney to join his team to lead this effort as well as defend him if criminal charges are filed against him in this case.
That attorney, Chris Wise, is expected to immediately step in and appear in court on Friday in the filing to have a Special Master appointed.
The DOJ is pushing back hard on this, saying that its vetting team has already gone through the documents and there is no need for further review.
The problem is that nobody in Trump’s camp really trusts the DOJ right now.
Furthermore, if an outside audit is conducted and more documents are found over and above what the DOJ is turning back over to Trump, it creates a major legal problem for Merrick Garland and the DOJ.
Judge Aileen Cannon will hear the case, and the rumors are that she is inclined to approve the request for a Special Master.
Donald Trump appointed Judge Cannon, so expect all kinds of fires to get started by the DOJ if Trump’s request is approved.