Rep. Ro Khanna Calls Out Biden in NYT Op-Ed

Joe Biden
“Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.
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Democrats are getting antsier and antsier as we get closer to mid-term elections.

Support Joe Biden at your own peril… that is the message we are hearing from more and more of them.

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), the man that many believe will be the next big star of the party, is now clearly separating himself from Biden, demanding he do more.

Not All Republicans

Joe Biden and his administration have repeatedly called out Republicans for not helping with inflation.

That, however, is not true.

But Republicans have given ideas to Biden on how they believe this problem can be addressed, he just does not want to try any of them for fear of Republicans getting credit.

Khanna recently penned an op-ed in the New York Times putting the blame right at the feet of Joe.

He wrote, “To meet the moment, Mr. Biden should convene an emergency task force empowered to lower prices and address shortages.

“We need an all-out mobilization, not just a few ad hoc initiatives reacting to headlines.”

Khanna continued, “There is no patience for incrementalism or political spin about economic numbers in these times.

“Democrats can’t just blame the Republicans for lacking a plan.

“People elected us to solve problems. We told them that government could improve their lives and they want to see tangible action, movement and energy out of Washington.”

Joe Biden has already been whining to anyone that will listen that he is not getting enough support on his policies from his fellow Democrats, so I cannot wait to see what he has to say about this!

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Anthony Smith

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