Joe Biden’s speech to celebrate the signing of the bipartisan gun control legislation did not go as planned.
Gun control advocate and father of Joaquin Oliver (who was shot in the Parkland mass shooting incident), Manuel Oliver, heckled Biden during his speech.
Biden told Oliver to “sit down,” but security eventually led the man out of the ceremony.
Sit Down and Shut Up
Hecklers on the South Lawn are far from the norm, as these events have very stringent security protocols.
Oliver made it through, however, and he got his 15 minutes by slamming Biden as Joe tried to slap himself on the back.
Just as Biden started to speak, Oliver stood up and started yelling at Biden to do more.
Biden replied, “Sit down! You’ll hear what I have to say.”
Before being escorted out by security, Oliver added, “You have to do more than this!
“You have to open an office in the White House!”
“I’ve been trying to tell you this for years! And years!”
As Biden tried to push back, the crowd started clapping for Oliver, making this another major PR gaffe for Biden.
Oliver let his displeasure be known that the word “celebrate” was being associated with the legislation.
On Twitter, prior to the event, he wrote, “The word CELEBRATION has no space in a society that saw 19 kids massacred just a month ago.
“‘Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.’ Not me, not Joaquin.”
He had also interviewed with CNN earlier in the day, expressing his disappointment, stating, “It’s like we’re going to a party, to a wedding today … I really wish there were more in this package of bills.”
The legislation signed, in reality, will do nothing to curb gun violence.
As we have stated many, many times… this is more about enforcing laws already on the books and being able to spot the warning signs and do something about them when we see them.
Had that been done, both Uvalde and Highland Park may have never happened.