When Stacey Abrams lost her gubernatorial bid in 2018 against Brian Kemp, she refused to concede.
What she did do, however, was say that voter suppression robbed her of a win.
Her statements were and are very similar to comments made by Trump on the election, only Abrams continues to be hailed as a hero and given airtime while Trump is a villain and blocked on all social media outlets.
This was the opening comment by co-host Sunny Hostin:
“So this is your second run against incumbent Brian Kemp for governor, and polls show a tight race, especially this morning.
“When you lost in 2018, you didn’t traditionally concede, which I appreciated because you cited voter suppression.
“Are you confident that this will be a free and fair election and not a repeat performance of what happened before?”
Abrams’ answer is in the video below, but I want you to really listen to the blatant lies she tells regarding Georgia’s election laws, including handing out water at the lines…
The only people that cannot hand out water in the lines are campaign workers because they are not even supposed to be within a certain distance of the polling station.
If polling station workers want to hand out refreshments during long lines, there is nothing preventing that.
Additionally, it is just sickening that they are gushing over this woman, allowing her to spew more lies, while completely avoiding the fact she is drawing salaries from numerous shell companies right now.
This is why Democrats have been so successful in elections recently.
The media, and I mean the news and shows like “The View,” are giving a hand-picked narrative and are never telling the whole truth.
It is a huge advantage for Democrats because Republicans have very few outlets that will treat them in the same manner.
And to be clear, I do not want any politician to be able to go on air and lie, just a fair and even slate for both parties.
But, as we all know, that will never happen in this country because liberals dominate the media and talk show circuit right now.