Trump Candidates Score Huge on Tuesday Primaries

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Donald Trump had a big night on Tuesday night.

His candidates tore up the slates, giving Trump a slew of general election candidates still in the game.

That, however, may not be such a good thing for the conservative movement.

Bad Endorsements

Trump has seemingly thrown out everything but election fraud when choosing candidates, which is a problem.

By and large, Republican voters no longer want to hear about 2020.

You can yell, send me angry comments, and spit in my face if it makes you feel better, but the polling is overwhelming on this front.

To that point, virtually every candidate that won on Tuesday night is pitching 2020 election fraud.

One of them is deemed so radical, Democrats invested millions to help him get elected.

More specifically, John Gibbs in Michigan and Blake Masters in Arizona.

Masters is particularly interesting because two other Trump candidates are getting trounced in the polls right now that could tip the Senate.

It is widely agreed that Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia will dictate what party takes the Senate.

Trump has his guy in all three states, and Republicans are likely to lose all three races.

PA is going to be a loss unless something truly radical happens over the next four months.

Walker still has a chance in Georgia, but he is trailing and running out of time.

Masters will probably get trounced by Kelly. This was supposed to be a slam dunk seat, as Kelly has been struggling, but Master is a loony tune who pitches all kinds of conspiracy theories.

He is the exact opposite of what we need in the conservative movement right now.

If Democrats hold the Senate, there is only one place fingers are going to point, and that will be Donald Trump.

He is putting himself above the movement to take control back of this government, and that is unacceptable.

If I am wrong, I will own it, and I hope I am because this is one argument I do not look forward to winning.

About Post Author

Anthony Smith

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